Dešon Tomas za VA SPORT: Mening i ja smo kao braća, uživao je dok je bio u Valjevu
Iako je nova sezona u AdmiralBet Košarkaškoj ligi Srbije daleko, košarkaški klub Metalac na vreme je počeo sa sklapanjem kockica, tako da će do kraja meseca praktično biti poznat kompletan stručni štab i igrački kadar, što će ostaviti veliki prostor za pripreme i uigravanje, pred još jedno takmičenje u kom će Valjevci pokušati da budu u društvu najboljih.
For the interview in English, please extend to the end of the text!
Jedan od novajlija u dresu Poskoka jeste američki centar Dešon Tomas, koji je i naš današnji sagovornik. Perspektivni američki centar u Valjevo dolazi sa koledža Južna Karolina – Ejken (NCAA2), gde je proveo prethodnih godinu dana, a pre toga, bio je deo univerzitetske ekipe priobalne Karoline, kao i LSU-a, u kojem mu je saigrač bio jedan od miljenika valjevske publike, Čarls Mening.
O njegovim košarkaškim počecima, utiscima po dolasku u Metalac i prijateljstvu sa nekadašnjim košarkašem valjevskog kluba Čarlosm Meningom, čitajte u nastavku teksta…
Kada si počeo da pokazuješ interesovanje za košarku i ko te je uveo u svet sporta?
DT: Jedan od mojih dobrih prijatelja mi je u sedmom razredu osnovne škole predložio da se oprobam u košarci i da se pridružim lokalnom amaterskom klubu gde je on igrao. Ostalo je
Da li imaš nekog uzora među igračima? Koga si voleo da gledaš kao mali i imaš li omiljeni tim?
DT: Odrastao sam u porodici koja je vatreno bodrila Lejkerse, tako da sam gledao tada još uvek mladog Kobija i Šeka, ali kako sam odrastao i već više razumevao igru, najviše sam se ugledao na Kevina Durenta i Blejka Grifina.
Šta voliš da radiš na terenu, u kojim ulogama se snalaziš najbolje?
DT: Smatram da me odlikuje veoma dobra igra leđima, snalazim se dobro i u delu terena između reketa i linije za tri poena, pored toga, ne štedim se po pitanju energije u bilo kom trenutku. Što se defanzivnog dela tiče, osećam da bih mogao da se dokažem kao jedan od najboljih blokera u ligi, zbog dobrog tajminga i osećaja za putanju lopte.
Angažman u Metalcu ti je prvi van matične zemlje. Da li si ikada gledao evropsku košarku i koje promene u samom stilu igre očekuješ u odnosu na koledž?
DT: Zaista nisam gledao evropsku košarku, izuzev reprezentativne na Olimpijskim igrama, ali na osnovu onoga što sam video, smatram da je igra na visokom nivou. Promene koje očekujem u odnosu na koledž se odnose na brzinu same igre, ali sam svakako znatiželjan da saznam kako
će to sve izgledati.
Da li imaš neki zacrtani cilj kojej težiš u karijeri, šta bi voleo da postigneš?
DT: Kada sve bude rečeno i urađeno i kada ne budem više mogao da nastavim da se bavim košarkom, želim da e pamte po tome koliko rada i posvećenosti sam ulagao svih prethodnih godina, te da je to na kraju i vredelo i da sam zahvaljujući tome uspevao da se brinem o svojoj porodici.
Neko vreme, saigrač na LSU-ju ti je bio Čarls Mening, koji će u memoriji navijača Metalca ostati urezan kao jedan od najboljih stranaca u klupskoj istoriji. Da li si možda razgovarao s njim pre dolaska u naš klub?
DT: Čarls i ja smo veoma bliski, on mi je poput brata, ispričao mi je sve o klubu i kako je uživao dok je bio u njemu, tako da mu verujem na reč. Spreman sam za priliku koja mi se ukazala!
Zahvaljujemo se Dešonu Tomasu na prijatnom razgovoru i želimo mu puno uspeha u svemu što radi, a pre svega u onome što ga očekuje naredne sezone s Metalcem!
Deshawn Thomas for VA SPORT: “Manning and I are like brothers, he enjoyed his time in Valjevo”
Although the new season in the AdmiralBet Basketball League of Serbia is far away, the basketball club Metalac has started early with assembling the pieces, so that by the end of the month, the complete coaching staff and player roster will practically be known, leaving ample space for preparations and team building before another competition in which the people of Valjevo will strive to be among the best.
One of the newcomers in the Metalac jersey is American center Deshawn Thomas, who is also our interviewee today. The promising American center comes to Valjevo from South Carolina-Aiken college (NCAA2), where he spent the past year. Prior to that, he was part of the university team at Coastal Carolina and LSU, where his teammate was one of the favorites among the Valjevo audience, Charles Manning.
Read on to learn about his basketball beginnings, impressions upon joining Metalac, and his friendship with former Valjevo basketball player Charles Manning in the following text…
When did you start showing interest in basketball and who introduced you to the sport?
DT: Around 7th grade one of my good friends at the time told me I should try and play with his aau team and the rest was history
Do you have a basketball role model? Who did you like to watch as a kid and do you have a favorite team?
DT: Growing up my family were huge lakers fans so I saw of young Kobe and Shaq, but as I got older and more Into the game Kevin Durant and Blake Griffin were the guys I look up to the most
What do you like most to do on the field, in which roles do you do best?
DT: I have a pretty good back to the basket game and can expand out to the mid range area, high motor, On the defensive side I feel like I can be one of the best shot blockers in the league and better, my timing and nat to get to the ball is at a high level
The engagement in Metalac is your first outside of your home country. Have you ever watched European basketball, what changes do you expect compared to college, when it comes to the style of the game itself?
DT: I haven’t really watched any European ball besides how the Olympics go if that’s considered the same thing but from what I’ve seen it’s high level basketball. College versus European basketball I feel like the pace is of the game are going to be different other than that I’m eager to see how different it is
For a time, your teammate at LSU was Charles Manning, who will remain etched in the memory of Metalac fans as one of the best foreigners in the club’s history. Did you perhaps talk to him before joining the new team and how did you decide on our club?
DT: Charles and I are very close, he’s like a brother to me he told me everything about the club and how he loved it so I trusted him. Ready for the opportunity and experience
Do you have a defined goal in your career, what would you like to achieve, what is your basketball dream?
DT: When it’s all said and done and I can go anymore I just want to be remembered for how much work and dedication all the years of putting in the work, that it was worth it and I took care of my family.
We thank Deshawn Thomas for the pleasant conversation and wish him success in everything he does, especially in what awaits him next season with Metalac!